Fresh Upstart – The Uncanny X-Men #281 – Danger Room #364

The Uncanny X-Men 281The Uncanny X-Men #281.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

The White Queen and a poor lady Fitzroy and that same poor lady Another death of Jean Grey?


  1. I propose some sort of drinking game where every time Jeremy confidently states the number of an issue when discussing something, but he is waaayy off, everytime that happens I think everybody should drink especially if he’s off by more than 40 issues he usually just yells issue 268 regardless of what issue he’s talking about , so we’re all bound to get quite drunk….BTW I noticed that you didn’t mention GI Joe this episode….Well done Sirs

  2. Hey guys
    About my “Mister Serval” Gambit quote comment from X-Men 4, serval is French for a kind of African cheetah/wildcat. The wolverine animal is called glouton in French, which also means gluttonous, so I guess that’s why they went with another animal for the translation.

  3. Howdy gents, good episode. Personally I always find it a bit arrogant on a new creative teams part to just come in and wholesale slaughter a bunch of previous characters (even if some of them are very minor). It seems a bit like a crutch. Also as a suggestion, while I love that you are doing some bare-bones minimum research on the fly, please keep the information about future plots or events out of the podcast. I find your going through the comics as if you where reading them for the first time while they came put much more compelling than just hearing you jump on a search engine to answer any questions about the future. Just my 2¢.

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