Double Death – The Uncanny X-Men #276 – Danger Room #336

The Uncanny X-Men 276The Uncanny X-Men #276.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Wolverine Kills the prof Girls with Big Guns Forge's Space Bikes


  1. Howdy podcasters, got some comments and some questions for you guys (and maybe some answers too). In regards to the cover of this issue, I think the enlargement of the “X-Men” title had as much to do with the composition of how the title related to Logans head as much as it had to do with covering negative space. Concerning his wristbands, I think the problem here is that they are discolored from the last issue as well as the rest of the comic. Logan does have wristbands in the issue but what I think the fun nit-pick to point out is that Logan has them pretty clearly thought the whole issue until Psylocke stabs him in the head. In that panel, as cool looking as it is, he inexplicably completely looses them, weird.

    Jeremy, I think you are really missing out on what is important during the scene on the planet Epsilon Seikosha IX. The point of the scene is not how Forge can make weapons from items gathered by Lila. Its pretty clear that Storm is trying to get information from Deathbird and she is putting the pieces together for why should trust a long time enemy against a long time ally. Meanwhile she has to steady Forge who rightfully so, is going through some post traumatic stress AND she is having to help formulate a plan on how to defeat the foe. Basically, once again proving what a bad ass leader she is.

    My question to you guys is this, in the second to last page that has the panel of webbed up captured bodies. Who do you think the female in the center with the fire effect around her head is? I think in context to the last three pages, we can surmise is that one of the characters is Raza, then teethe guy to his left is Corsair. Assuming the female on the ground level to the left is Psylocke, Proffesor X is in the middle then does that make the female to the right Hepzibah or Oracle? So the female in the center might be Binary? I thought she left the Starjammers, what do you guys think?

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