The Beginning of the End Part Two – Bonus Content – Danger Room #332

The New Mutants 99New Mutants #99, Excalibur #35, Wolverine #37, X-Factor #64, Spider-Man #8, New Warriors #9, Web of Spider-Man #75, Marvel Comics Presents #62

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Professor Cable Boom Boom's mutant legs Professor Cable hulks out and his glasses can't decide if they should have a left arm, a right arm, no arms, or both arms.

1 Comment

  1. Howdy and happy new year fellas. Good B/C side episode. Have a few notes and comments about the issues myself. During the beginning of the episode Jeremy makes a comment about continuity errors in the New Mutants, which I think you where talking about the “magic glasses” but I thought you where going to bring up the time stamps we get throughout the issue. For some reason Fabian Nicieza likes to over use time stamps in his comics, he does this in the New Warriors too (maybe there was a 90’s TV show or movie that inspired him to do this). The first pages establish the events start on December 13th in the sewers then move to December 14th for Cable and James Proudstars first meeting. Then we move on to (or back in time to?) December 7th where James discovers his reservation has been destroyed. Your thoughts on the appearance of this reservation are warranted and for some perspective this reservation is over 600 acres and the death toll would have been over 500 people (you would think that it would make the news). In the scene where Bobby informs Cable he is leaving it is 8:47 PM (who knows at this point what day it is). When Sam comes to confront Cable about Bobby and Cable’s previous conversation it is now somehow 8:45? We then see Bobby leaving the mansion on December 8th. And Finally we see Feral show up. These are the continuity errors I thought you guys would nit-pick on. As far as Liefeld goes, he really could have used an inker. While it would not have bailed him out of most of his problems, an inker could have fixed the simple problems of the “magic glasses” as well as a few other minor problems.

    Excalibur #35 did have some funny moments and gives us some idea of what kind of writer Lobdell could become. I am not the biggest fan of the art but I thought the story in this one made up for this.

    Concerning X-Factor #64, I completely agree with you about Portacio’s directions of Ice Mans “Ice Gauntlets”. It certainly follows the “rule of cool” and does not seem to have any other real function. Also, Opals mother poisoned Opals Grandfather (he was not killed by Ninjas).

    The Todd McFarlane Spider-man series turned out to be more interesting than I thought. In my reading order I saw that this series was going to have a lot of cross over so I went ahead and started reading this title from the beginning. The first plot line which ran through the first 5 issues, while visually interesting, where pretty thin in the story department. I think this is where Todd really developed a reputation for being a weak writer. The next two issues that had Hobgoblin and Ghost Rider where pretty interesting. The subject matter was really pretty darn dark and I think between this story and the next storyline involving Wolverine is what got Todd and the Marvel editors at odds with each other. Todd really wanted to mine that dark-gritty vein and I don’t think Marvel was as down with that at the time.

    Anyway, you guys keep up the good work and hopefully your 2022 is fun and productive.

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