The Key that Breaks the Locke – The Uncanny X-Men #256 – Danger Room #301

The Uncanny X-Men 256The Uncanny X-Men #256, Wolverine #19, X-Factor #50, Marvel Comics Presents #40, Amazing Spider-Man #327, Avengers #312, Thor #412, Cloak & Dagger #9, Punisher War Journal #12, Fantastic Four #335.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Mojo transforms Psylocke? The day the 90s were born Psylocke at the hands of the Mandarin


  1. The quiz you guys read in episode 301 was fun and tough.
    I think you guys should have got the question about Changeling
    He died the first time Prof X faked his death (issue 42?)so he could go prep for the Znoxx invasion(revealed in ish 66!!!)

    Fun Fact
    The not a hoax, not a dream tagline was used on the cover of issue 42 and also 95 which killed off John Proudstat

  2. Gentlemen,

    Award yourself a no-prize, Adam, for correctly guessing that issue #256 was my favorite issue of the X-Men. I previously mentioned a grand reveal when you eventually reviewed it, but since you reliably experience migraines whenever I get into any kind of conceptual substrate involving the X-Men, I’ve decided (out of sheer compassion) to give you a break from my usual excesses. I’ll merely say that #256 is a big reason why I discovered that reading for pleasure was a thing, and why I remain curious about the world (not just the X-universe) 30 years later. Sincerely.

    Just a couple clarifying points about the issue itself:

    1. There’s some sneaky foreshadowing with Psylocke’s induced “dream”. In it she encounters her lost teammates in contexts/places where they will eventually emerge from the Siege Perilous. I love little details like this — it suggests that the creators have a goal and a vision, and that they care about what they are doing.

    2. I interpreted Betsy’s mischievous smile in the last panel as meaning that she has partially broken The Hand’s brainwashing. If you look at her “dream” confrontation with Task Master, she literally shatters the mask (the illusion) to reveal the Mandarin. Since the purpose of the dream was to sever her connection with her past and install new “software”, the defeat of Task Master/Mandarin seems to suggest that the brainwashing wasn’t entirely successful. And remember, The Hand’s psychics died during the brainwashing attempt so the last part of the dream wasn’t monitored, meaning The Hand and Mandarin don’t know the results. Betsy is likely aware of this and is playing possum. The evil smile is a bit of a red herring meant to deceive or mislead readers.

    Anyway, that’s my two cents. Til next time.

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