All-New, All-Different– Here We Go Again! – The Uncanny X-Men #254 – Danger Room #299

The Uncanny X-Men 254The Uncanny X-Men #254, Wolverine #17, X-Factor #48, New Mutants #83, Excalibur #16, Marvel Comics Presents #38.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Amanda Sefton conjures the teams new uniforms! Masque has his way with Callisto Legion plays a trick on Sunder


  1. The dude who played Jon Carter
    also played Gambit in Xmen Orgins Wolverine !

    June Carter Warlord of Mars , starring Reese Witherspoon that might be worth 12.00

  2. Wow, you guys recorded this episode back in March when lockdowns began? It’s June 2nd and the world has changed more than you could have possibly imagined, as evidenced by the fires and riots outside our windows…

    Issue #254 thoughts:
    The cover was definitely a red herring (which isn’t a spoiler, don’t worry). The new “team” just comes across as a place-holder in this issue, kinda like the “scabs” that replaced NFL players during the ’87 union strike. Meaning they put on the uniforms for a couple games but were not (and still aren’t) considered official NFL players.

    The reaction by Brigadier Stuart to getting turned into a fish was a bit overplayed. She’s a military-trained official, knowingly living in a world of superpowers and magic, and in the middle of a crisis situation involving a dying companion. Seems out of character for her to focus on how exhilarated she was felt for half a page and not address the critical situation around her. The editor must have taken lunch when Claremont turned that page in.

    When you get to the Age of Apocalypse, a scene in this issue might have some minor significance. Just a little tease.

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