Storm Warnings! – The Uncanny X-Men #253 – Danger Room #298

The Uncanny X-Men 253The Uncanny X-Men #253, Wolverine #16, X-Factor #47, New Mutants #82, Marvel Comics Presents #37.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

New Pretty Boy Lady Deathstrike circuitry Lil' Storm's in trouble


  1. Artwork
    Sometimes Pierce has Joker face
    Sometimes Magneto has Pierce face
    And the pajamas shared by Sean and Moria are definitely a way of implying nookie
    Clearly something was planned for Lorna that didn’t pan out.
    I loved the early Jubilee and Logan moments,
    A very Claremont issue

  2. Issue #253 thoughts:

    * I don’t have a lot to say about the reappearance of (maybe) Storm… at least not yet. But, like with so much of Claremont’s stuff, it’s worth bookmarking for future reference. Patterns will be emerging, breadcrumbs are being dropped…

    * A minor correction: Dr. Shen is the one, not Stuart the dude-nurse, who summarizes the baffling ethnicity markers that Storm exhibits during examination. It’s not obvious at first glance, but if you follow the progression of dialogue it makes sense (not that Storm has mixed features, but that the dialogue is actually attributed to Shen).

    * I like Jeremy’s interpretation of Pretty Boy’s make-over. It’s kinda like karmic poetry. And without getting too graphic, it makes sense the Pierce would take away the phallic symbol of Pretty Boy’s motivational power as punishment for transgressing against him; cyborg castration is a way to mock and humiliate him. Don’t know if that interpretation was intended, but it fits.

    * I am usually a reliable Claremont apologist, but the chaos on Polaris’s boat wasn’t an effective set-up for the things that will be happening later in the series. I had to have the connection pointed out to me years later because it really isn’t obvious at all. (Hint: it has something to do with the boat’s proximity to a certain person and/or place.) This also brings up the question of who is more responsible for the success or failure to communicate information: artist or writer?

    * I don’t know if you noticed this, but during Forge’s vision Gateway was depicted in chains outside the saloon, and Jacob Riez was sitting next to Amal Farouk. The Farouk-Reiz connection becomes obvious, but the Gateway image is rather cryptic. I remember being fascinated by that whole scene when I first read it, but I honestly cant recall if the Gateway stuff ever materializes. It certainly doesn’t materialize before the next significant vision occurs in a couple of issues, which adds even more cryptic puzzle pieces to the pile that’s already been accumulating.

    That’s all. Later guys.

  3. Hey, guys. Local from Kansas City, MO (KCMO) here and found your KC discussion amusing. I’ve lived in the KC metro area all of my life and lived on both the KCMO and KCK sides. Living in a city that is spread across two states means you’re probably crossing the stateline multiple time a day, just a typical day for us.

    I will say that if a person is talking about KC, then they’re talking about KCMO, not KCK. Besides Sporting KC, the Speedway, and a couple of BBQ places, everything else of importance is in KCMO; i.e., Royals, Chiefs, KC jazz, BBQ, Civil War battle sites, Harry Truman, and Walt Disney.

    Anyway KCMO > KCK. Keep up the great show!

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