Danger Room #17: The Supreme Sacrifice!

The X-Men 16Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #16 from January 1966 titled “The Supreme Sacrifice!” This issue features the original X-men, Dr. Bolivar Trask, the Sentinels and Master Mold.

Touching...Interpretive dance?Dead and Bloody Boliver?

Danger Room #16: Prisoners of the Mysterious Master Mold!

The X-Men 15Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #15 from December 1965 titled “Prisoners of the Mysterious Master Mold!” This issue features the original X-men, Dr. Bolivar Trask, the Sentinels and Master Mold.

Artie SimekDignifiedSpeaking of dignified...

Danger Room #15: Among Us Stalk …The Sentinels!

The X-Men 14The X-Men #14 from November 1965 titled “Among Us Stalk …The Sentinels!”

Featured are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast, Angel, Professor X, Dr Bolivar Trask, and the Sentinels.

Small Sentinel Medium Sentinel Large Sentinel A flurry of zitts!

Sound Clips in Show #15
Trailer from The Sentinel (1977)

Danger Room #14: Where Walks the Juggernaut!

The X-Men 13The X-Men #13 from September 1965 titled “Where Walks the Juggernaut!”

Featured are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Professor X, Juggernaut, and the Human Torch.

Strange angles! Nurse Grey

Danger Room #13: The Origin of Professor X!

The X-Men 12The X-Men #12 from July 1965  titled “The Origin of Professor X!”

Featured are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Beast, Iceman, Professor X, and Juggernaut.

Shadows! Creepy child! Let's go gang!

Danger Room #12: The Triumph of Magneto!

The X-Men 11The X-Men #11 from May 1965  titled “The Triumph of Magneto!”

In this issue are featured Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, the Stranger, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, and Mastermind.

First impressions count! Synchronized head grabbing! The original Cerebro

Sound Clip in Show #12
Stranger Danger PSA

Danger Room #11: The Coming of Ka-Zar

The X-Men 10The X-Men #10 from March 1965  titled “The Coming of Ka-Zar”.

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Ka-Zar, and Zabu.

Wait till I get my hands on that loin cloth! How does that work? Ka-zar and Zabu get flattened The awesome Ka-zar in action!

Sound Clips in Show #11
Title Theme from Land of the Lost

Danger Room #10: Enter, the Avengers!

The X-Men 9The X-Men #9 from January 1965 titled “Enter, the Avengers!”

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Lucifer, and the original Avengers, including Captain America, Iron Man, Giant Man, Thor, and Wasp.

Prof X's amazing technicolor wheelchair! Battle montage 1 Battle montage 2

Sound Clips in Show #10
Max Romeo – Chase the Devil

Danger Room #9: Unus, the Untouchable!

The X-Men 8The X-Men #8 from November 1964 titled “Unus, the Untouchable!”

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Mastermind, and Unus.

I like this panel

Sound Clips in Show #9
X-Men: Arcade Game (’92)

Danger Room: First Class Rear View Mirror Review

X-Men First Class Poster

Adam and Jeremy take a break from reading comic books and go to the movies. X-Men First Class that is. If you want to hear two guys nit-pick their way through a movie review, then this is the one for you.

Danger Room #8: The Return of the Blob

The X-Men 7The X-Men #7 from September 1964 titled “The Return of the Blob”.

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Mastermind, and Blob.

Tiny waist Master of magnetism Magna-car

Sound Clips in Show #8
De Blob 2

Danger Room #7: Sub-Mariner! Joins the Evil Mutants

The X-Men 6The X-Men #6 from July 1964 titled “Sub-Mariner! Joins the Evil Mutants”.

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Mastermind, and Namor, the Sub-Mariner.

Cable guns!

Sound Clips in Show #7
Sub-Mariner Title Theme from The Marvel Super Heroes (’66)
Jerry Goldsmith – Main Title Theme from The Planet of the Apes (’68)
Joe Harnell – The Lonely Man Theme from The Incredible Hulk (’78)

Danger Room #6: We Have to Fight the X-Men!

Fantastic Four 28 Fantastic Four #28 from July 1964 titled “We Have to Fight the X-Men!”

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, the Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Girl, the Human Torch and the Thing), Puppet Master, The Mad Thinker, and the Android.

Fantasti-ball! Fantasti-garden hose winder! Fantasti-sequence!

Sound Clips in Show #6
Fantastic Four Golden Record Reprint #1
Title Theme from Fantastic Four (’94)

Danger Room: First Class, First Look

X-Men First ClassAdam and Jeremy take a look at the X-Men First Class trailer and dissect all aspects. If you want to get your nerd on, this is the one for you.

Danger Room #5: Trapped: One X-Man!

The X-Men 5The X-Men #5 from May 1964 titled “Trapped: One X-Man!”

Featured are Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, and Mastermind.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Asteroid M Gangway Scoob!

This episode was remastered from the original recordings in 2023.