Danger Room #48: The End of the X-Men!

The X-Men 46Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #46 from July 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “The End of the X-Men!” and “…And Then There Were Two”. This issue features Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Juggernaut, Amos and Fred Duncan, and Professor X in the backup.

Juggertantrum!The death of Amos Duncan!I call this piece 'Man in background dives into bush'.

Danger Room #47: In Battle Joined!

The Avengers 53Adam and Jeremy read and comment on Avengers #53 from June 1968 titled “In Battle Joined!” This issue features Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Hawkeye, Goliath, Wasp and the Panther.

Cozy AvengersHorsey FaceTrippy

Danger Room #46: When Mutants Clash!

The X-Men 45Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #45 from June 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “When Mutants Clash!” and “And the Mob Cried…Vengeance!” This issue features Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad and a cameo by another super-team.

Smooth moves!Secondary mutation: Giant fist!Double Fist pumpLong arm of the law...

Danger Room #45: Red Raven, Red Raven…!

The X-Men 44Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #44 from May 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “Red Raven, Red Raven…!” and “The Iceman Cometh!” This issue features Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Toad and Red Raven.

Crazy ToadIceman's first murder

Danger Room #44: The Torch is Passed…!

The X-Men 43Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #43 from April 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “The Torch is Passed…!” and “Call Him…Cyclops” This issue features Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Toad.

Live long and prosperPigtailsMagneto on a coffee bender!

Danger Room #43: If I Should Die…!

The X-Men 42Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #42 from March 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “If I Should Die…!” and “The End…Or the Beginning?” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Grotesk and The Living Diamond.

You boys looking for a good time?First lover's quarrelHarder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Danger Room #42: Now Strikes… The Sub-Human!

The X-Men 41Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #41 from February 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “Now Strikes… The Sub-Human!” and “The Living Diamond” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Grotesk and Jack O’ Diamonds/The Living Diamond.

Grotesk does a jig at the sight of a trainIceman... depression sets in!I can win! I know I can!

Danger Room #41: The Mark of the Monster!

41Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #40 from January 1968. This issue contains two stories titled “The Mark of the Monster!” and “The First Evil Mutant!” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Frankenstein and Jack O’ Diamonds.

Gee Willikers! I don't like the looks of this!Franken-DroidJack O' Diamonds revealed!

Danger Room #40: The Fateful Finale!

The X-Men 39Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #39 from December 1967. This issue contains two stories titled “The Fateful Finale!” and “Lonely Are The Hunted”. It features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, the Blob, the Vanisher, Unus, Mastermind, the Changeling, the Mutant Master and Fred Duncan.

The Blob's head is crushedIn the shadow of the ColossusAre you sure?How will I get that out of the carpet?

Danger Room #39: The Sinister Shadow of… Doomsday!

The X-Men 38Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #38 from November 1967. This issue contains two stories titled “The Sinister Shadow of… Doomsday!” and “A Man Called… X”. It features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, the Blob, the Vanisher, the Changeling, the Mutant Master and Fred Duncan.

Not sure... Great concept, horrible renditionWhich way is blob facing?

Danger Room #38: We, the Jury…

The X-Men 37Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #37 from October 1967 titled “We, the Jury…” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, the Blob, Unus, the Vanisher, Mastermind, the Changeling and the Mutant Master.

Shoe-head! At last!The X-Men go for broke!Supercool robot action!

Danger Room #37: Mekano Lives!

The X-Men 36Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #36 from September 1967 titled “Mekano Lives!” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Mekano and the shadowy shoe-headed leader of Factor 3.

The Beast and Iceman grow extra appendagesFeaturing the non-threatening debut of Mekano!Angel's face morphs into a Blue Meanie

Danger Room #36: Along Came A Spider…

The X-Men 35Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #35 from August 1967 titled “Along Came A Spider…” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Spider-Man and the shadowy head of Factor 3.

Ticker tape paradeSpider-Man kicks robot buttComedy gold

Danger Room #35: War–In a World of Darkness!

The X-Men 34Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #34 from July 1967 titled “War–In a World of Darkness!” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Mole Man and Tyrannus.

Underground robot ninja battle!Optic beams for the Mole-Man?  Feh!...and they were never heard from again.

Danger Room #34: Into the Crimson Cosmos!

The X-Men 33Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #33 from June 1967 titled “Into the Crimson Cosmos!” This issue features Professor X, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Marvel Girl, Dr. Strange, Xorak the Outcast, and Juggernaut.

Doctor, doctor, gimme the news!A visor button!Xorak, err, the Outcast!Okay, this is kind of awesome.