Danger Room #125: Rage!

The Uncanny X-Men 140Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #140 from December 1980 titled “Rage!” This issue features Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Angel, Professor X, Kitty Pryde, Stevie Hunter, Heather Hudson, Vindicator, Shaman, Snowbird, Wendigo, and the Blob.

One fine dude! Wendigo has a Wolverine ragdoll! Don't know how he was captured... but he's back!

Also included in this episode is commentary on Marvel Team-Up #100 from December 1980 titled “Cry… Vengeance!”

Sound Clips in Show #125
Your Favorite Martian – Nerd Rage!!!

Danger Room #123: Nightcrawler’s Inferno

King-Size Annual! X-Men 4Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men Annual #4 from November 1980 titled “Nightcrawler’s Inferno”. This issue features Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Professor X, Dr. Strange, Margali, Minos, and Amanda Sefton.

Nightcrawler gets hit on Ouch! The three phases of Amanda Sefton

Danger Room #118: Too Late, The Heroes!

The Uncanny X-Men 134Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #134 from June 1980 titled “Too Late, The Heroes!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Beast, Sebastian Shaw, Jason Wyngard, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, the Black Queen, and Dark Phoenix.

Wolverine to the Rescue!I ate 'em.Uh-oh!Queen of Sin

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #40 from Mid-November 1989 titled “Fundamental Imbalance”.

Sound Clips in Show #118
John Entwistle – Too Late the Hero
Nap Eyes – No Fear of Hellfire

Danger Room #117: Wolverine: Alone!

The Uncanny X-Men 133Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #133 from May 1980 titled “Wolverine: Alone!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Professor X, Angel, Banshee, Moria Mactaggert, Sebastian Shaw, Jason Wyngard, Donald Pierce, Harry Leland, and the Black Queen.

Tell me what I want to know before... oops! Stabbed you.  The Hellfire ClubDoin' it confirmation! ... and psychic rapport.

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #39 from November 1989 titled “Brigg’s Revenge”.

Sound Clips in Show #117
Hugh Jackman – Wolverine: The Musical

Danger Room #115: Run For Your Life!

The Uncanny X-Men 131Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #131 from March 1980 titled “Run For Your Life!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Phoenix, Professor X, Emma Frost, Jason Wyngard, Kitty Pryde, and Dazzler.

Something is not right with Jean's butt. Nightcrawler is useful again! Prelude to Dark Phoenix.

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #37 from September 1989 titled “Was Not What Will Be”.

Sound Clips in Show #115
The Beatles – Run For Your Life
Richard Berry – Louie Louie (Theme from Coffee and Cigarettes)

Danger Room #113: God Spare the Child…

The Uncanny X-Men 129Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #129 from January 1980 titled “God Spare the Child…” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Phoenix, Professor X, Moira MacTaggert, Polaris, Havok, Multiple Man, Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw, Jason Wyngard, and Kitty Pryde.

I wasn't just sitting here waiting for you...Wolverine before his nap.Enter: Emma Frost 

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #35 from July 1989 titled “Paper, Not Paper”.

Sound Clips in Show #113
Elton John and Brian Wilson – God Only Knows
The Pixies – Debaser

Danger Room #110: How Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth…!

The Uncanny X-Men 126The Uncanny X-Men #126 from October 1979 titled “How Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth…!”

Featured are Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Phoenix, Moira MacTaggert, Polaris, Havok, Multiple Man, Jason Wyngard, and Proteus.

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #32 from April 1989 titled “Shreds of Humanity” and The Incredible Hulk Annual #7 from October 1978 titled “The Evil That Is Cast…”

Sound Clips in Show #110
‘How Sharper than a Serpent’s Tooth’ Episode from Star Trek: The Animated Series
Miles Davis – Serpent’s Tooth [Take 1]
King Lear (1983)

Action Pose! Full Frontal Attack! Whoah.

Danger Room #109: There’s Something Awful on Muir Island!

The Uncanny X-Men 125Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #125 from September 1979 titled “There’s Something Awful on Muir Island!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Phoenix, Moira MacTaggert, Professor X, Lilandra, Beast, Polaris, Havok, Jaime Madrox, Jason Wyngard, and Magneto.

A little nudity between friends?Old fashioned Danger Room action.Captain Jean-Luc X 

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #31 from March 1989 titled “Spigot at the End of the Universe”.

Something Awful – Tribute to somethingawful.com?
Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice) – Arcade Fire

Danger Room #108: A Fire in the Sky!

X-Men Annual 3Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men Annual #3 from August 1979 titled “A Fire in the Sky!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Jarvis, and Arkon.

Stromfront By Krom!More Storm

Also included in this episode is commentary on Bizarre Adventures #27 from July 1981 titled “Show Me the Way to Go Home”.

Sound Clips in Show #108
Jordin Kare – Fire in the Sky
Ozzy Osbourne – Fire in the Sky

Danger Room #103: Shoot-Out at the Stampede!

The Uncanny X-Men 121Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #121 from May 1979 titled “Shoot-Out at the Stampede!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Vindicator, Northstar, Shaman, Snow-bird, Sasquatch, and Aurora.

What is the Stampede?!Introducing your 1979 Alpha Flight line up!Wolverine pulls a fast one over Alpha Flight

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #27 from November 1988 titled “Backlash!”

Sound Clips in Show #103
The Calgary Stampede Song – Mark Zagorsky
It’s the Calgary Stampede (100th Year Celebration) – Gary Madigan and Trans-Atlantic Connection

Danger Room #102: Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!

The Uncanny X-Men 120Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #120 from April 1979 titled “Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Sunfire, Mariko Yashida, Vindicator, Northstar, Shaman, Snow-bird, Sasquatch, and Aurora.

HopeOroro flashes the crewGuys? Remember that twilight zone episode?

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #26 from October 1988 titled “So Much in Common”.

Sound Clips in Show #102
Sound Clip from Wanted Dead or Alive!
The Voices of East Harlem – Wanted Dead or Alive
Sound Clip from Wanted Dead or Alive Trailer

Danger Room #96: Desolation

The Uncanny X-Men 114Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #114 from October 1978 titled “Desolation”. This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Phoenix, Beast, Professor X, Lilandra, and Sauron.

Peter mixes a mean fastball specialOroro rests her footLogan sews

Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #20 from April 1988 titled “Mother of the Bride”.

Sound Clips in Show #96
Bob Dylan – Desolation Row
My Chemical Romance – Desolation Row