Danger Room #191: Lifedeath

The Uncanny X-Men 186Adam and Jeremy read and comment on The Uncanny X-Men #186 from October 1984 titled “Lifedeath”. This issue features Storm, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Forge, Valerie Cooper, and Dire Wraiths.

Inconsolable Storm BWS Rogue Love?

Also included in this episode is commentary on Alpha Flight #15, Avengers Annual #13, Dazzler #34, Defenders #136, and New Mutants #21.

Sound Clips in Show #191
The Doors – Riders on the Storm
Violent Femmes – Breaking Up

Danger Room #173: Demon

The Saga of Crystar Crystal Warrior 6Adam and Jeremy read and comment on an assortment of books from May 1983 to March 1984 including Moon Knight 35, The Daredevils 5, and 8-11, Mighty World of Marvel 7-9, The Avengers 239, and The Saga of Crystar the Crystal Warrior 6. Titles include “Second Wind”, “Executive Action”, “Arrivals”, “Waiting for the End of the World”, “The Sound and the Fury”, “But They Never Really Die”, “The Candlelight Dialogues”, “The Twisted World (Reprise)”, “Among Those Dark Satanic Mills”, “Late Night of the Super-Stars!”, and “Demon”. These issues feature Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Professor X, Moon Knight, Thing, Mr Fantastic, Invisible Girl, Human Torch, Captain Britain, Elizabeth Braddock, Wardog, Meggan, Beast, Wonder Man, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Vision, Black Panther, Black Widow, Amanda Sefton, Crystar and the gang, the Fly, the Fury, and David Letterman.

The Avengers 239 Moon Knight 35 Captain Britain Omnibus

Sound Clips in Show #173
The Beatles vs Joan Jett vs Cypress Hill vs House of Pain vs RATM – “Mash Together” –  FAROFF

Danger Room #134: By Friends–Betrayed!

The Avengers Annual 10Adam and Jeremy read and comment on Avengers Annual #10 from August 1981 titled “By Friends–Betrayed!” This issue features Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Kitty Pryde, Professor X, Spider-Woman, Carol Danvers, Captain America, Wonder Man, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Jocasta, Beast, Iron Man, Thor, Jarvis, Mystique, Destiny, Blob, Avalanche, Pyro, and Rogue.

Maddy Pryor's 1st appearanceStill working on the Danger Room!Rogue!Naked Blob again

Also included in this episode is commentary on Marvel Super-Heroes #Fall (11) from October 1992 titled “Cry, Vengeance!”

Sound Clips in Show #134
David Rakoff – The Scorpion and the Tortoise