First Strike – The Uncanny X-Men #270 – Danger Room #319

The Uncanny X-Men 270The Uncanny X-Men #270, X-Tinction Agenda Part 1.

Theme Music:
Lazlo Hollyfeld – Buffaloallamericacity

Cable threatens the X-Men over workout time Storm and Jean Reunite Uni-Scooters, Transform and Roll Out!

1 Comment

  1. I remember in the early 90’s these X-tinction Agenda issues of Uncanny X-Men and New Mutants were $15 – $20 a piece in back-issue bins and mail-order catalogs. My friends and I couldn’t afford them so there was always a mystical quality about this particular event. We were able to read the X-Factor issues and spent untold calories imaging what we were missing.

    In retrospect, X-tinction Agenda lost some of its shine after I eventually read it. Honestly I think X-cutioner’s Song is a better ride – it’s bombastic and convoluted in the best possible way. But I might be getting too far ahead…

    With merely 10 issues remaining of the Claremont run, have you ever considered a retrospective episode? Maybe rank Claremont’s story arcs? Maybe rank the artists during the Claremont run? Solicit listener feedback, create a poll asking the these same questions – people respond well to that kind of stuff.

    And yes, Lost was a great show. Maybe the greatest of its era, ending and all. Jeremy definitely missed the boat (no pun intended) on that one.

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