Adam and Jeremy read and comment on X-Men #102 from December 1976 titled “Who Will Stop the Juggernaut?” This issue features Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Storm, Professor X, Phoenix, Misty Knight, Black Tom Cassidy, and Juggernaut.
Also included in this episode is commentary on Classic X-Men #10 from June 1987 titled “Tag, Sucker!”
Sound Clips Featured in Show #84
Bodies Without Organs – Juggernaut
Helloween – Juggernaut
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I want to send a shout out to my two favorite mutants Adam and Jeremy!
I have to say that the two of you are phenomenal! When I came across your podcast, I giggled like a little school girl and now I am hooked! So far, I am currently listening to Danger Room #84 and I have been listening to your podcasts religiously. I know I still have a lot to catch up on so forgive me if you have answered questions like the ones I am about to ask.
Question time!
Question #1: If you were the creators of the original 5 X-Men, would you change any of the characters power sets? (This includes fine tuning their current powers and the strength of their powers.)
If so, how would you go about implementing that to their uniforms?
Question #2: Wolverine’s claws didn’t faze the Juggernaut, but do you think they can do damage to Colossus’s organic steel skin?
Cyclops’s visor: I truly believe that the writers missed out on their explanation of Cyclops’s powers. Wouldn’t it have been cool to see Xavier testing materials with Cyclops in the danger room only to find out that ruby quartz reflects his power?
Jean Grey: what I am about to say may be offensive to some Marvel Girl super fans, but I absolutely hate how Jean gets her telepathy from Professor X. So retarded. Honestly I thought she was dynamic enough with just her telekinesis. You can even rewrite her origin story to fit her telekinetic powers. For example, Jean was at a mall with her good friend when she should have been in class instead. They were walking in the mall parking lot, only at the last minute VROOOOM! a car heads towards Jean. In shock, Jeans powers emerge and she completely demolishes the car and surrounding environment with her TK. (Akira Style!) moments later, when she realizes what had just happened, she turns around to find out that it was her powers that accidently killed her best friend!!! Whaaaaat???? I know…I just blew your minds. Magneto style hehehe.
On a more serious note, keep up the good work guys.
Your fan, Gabriel Ochoa (sounds like ocho-wah)